Pura Tradición - Herencia 1908 - ECO

Inherited recipes, loyal to the purest tradition, slowly and carefully elaborated, with respect for the land and the real flavor.


Aprendimos de la sabiduria de nuestros antepasados. Hoy transmitimos de generación en generación para conservar la tradición en la elaboración de nuestros embutidos tradicionales.

Tradition & innovation

We maintain the perfect balance between innovation and tradition, obtaining in a sustainable way the best raw materials and using inherited recipes from our origins. That is how we recover the essence that have should never been dispersed with the progress.

Cerdos de raza Duroc

Duroc essence

We carefully select noble parts from Duroc race porks, for its high infiltration grade, which defines excellent quality and flavor.

cerdo duroc
Embutidos y productos cárnicos de cerdo duroc
Elaboración tradicional desde 1908

Time, effort & experience

Unbeatable flavor result of combining artisanal expertise and the art of letting time do its job.

Artisanal tradition

We maintain manual and traditional process, elaborating in an exclusive manner each product, following the inherited know-how, generation after generation.

Each and every of our cured products undergo a drying process in a natural cold cellar, of a minimum time of 60 days.
60 días de curación
Salchichón curado duroc

Ecologic Superior

The ecologic production and the traditional elaborating process are the essence of Herencia 1908. Nature in its purest form.


Campos de El Ballestero
Environmental commitment

The preservation of our surrounding environments and its ecosystem, as well as a responsible livestock farming activity are fundamental pillars of our philosophy. For this reason, from the elaborating process until the obtention of the final product, we use renewable energies. In addition, the whole Herencia 1908 range is packed in compostable plastics and recyclable cardboard.

Animal respect

Animals raised with the guarantees go well-being and with KM 0 natural food, in small production farms, ensuring the best conditions and the welfare of our pigs. All Herencia 1908 pig production is antibiotics free.

Outstanding excellence


Unique nuances harmony that seduces the palate
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